
per annum

An annual year in review and a letter to a future self a year in advance written. If done correctly, these will have minimal editing, be written off the cuff, and serve as a litmus test for where I'm at. Each year has some personal relevance, but seemed a good a way to summarize what I was trying to do with my research and where I want to go with future developments.

in review + up ahead

πŸŽ’2007: Intro to hacking webβ˜€οΈ2008: Static analysis🐽2009: Evasion tactics🀠2010: Search engine hacking🐺2011: Information retrieval for evil⛓️2012: Attack chainingπŸ€–2014: Botnets and crypto miningπŸ‰2015: Technical controls for social engineering🌡2016: Incident response for social engineeringπŸ“©2017: Business email compromiseπŸ‘Ί2018: Red teaming🚨2019: Bitflips and other domain permutations🌫️2020: Cloud exposures♾️2021: Continuous security